About Us

Taxation and Business Consulting. Providing clients with a reliable source for all of their personal tax compliance and tax planning needs.

About Us

Taxation and Business Consulting. Providing clients with a reliable source for all of their personal tax compliance and tax planning needs.


These are some of my favorite links that pertain to business/tax purposes.

www.irs.gov (forms, rulings)

www.tdameritrade.com (stock quotes, research)

www.finaid.com (financial aid info for college)

www.savingsbonds.gov (savings bond calculator)

www.mystockoptions.com (info on stock options)

www.rothira.com (Roth IRA info)

www.nolo.com (legal questions, forms)

www.morningstar.com (stocks and mutual fund research)

www.ssa.gov (Social Security Administration)